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Can you read 12 books? How about 12 short stories, or 12 comics or 12 graphic novels or 12 poems? Or a mix?

That’s all you need to do to complete the 2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Did we mention there would be prizes?

Expand your vocabulary, learn new facts, and impress your friends with fancy new words that you’ve learned.

It’s your chance to explore new worlds, meet fascinating characters, and discover the joy of reading!

At the end of your quest, you’ll receive a special certificate signed by the Premier. Hang it proudly on your bedroom wall; it’s like winning a gold medal in reading!

Get ready to explore, grab your reading lights, or bookmarks, get comfortable and set sail on your next reading adventure.

Your next great story awaits.

Win prizes for reading

We challenge you to read 12 books, comics, short stories, magazines, novels, lyrics etc. over the 4 months of the Premier’s Reading Challenge. We know you can do it! You’ll even earn a certificate from the Premier when you log 12 things you’ve read.

But that is not all.

We have more than 110 prizes you could win when you log what you read during the challenge. From a pair of Crocs to a Nintendo Switch, we’ve got an awesome treasure-trove of prizes.  Find out more about the Premier's Reading Challenge prizes.

Use this information for support with your Premier's Reading Challenge account.

Create an account 

  1. Open sign in. 
  2. Select the 'Sign up' option.
  3. Enter your details. 
  4. Confirm your account through the verification email we send you. Make sure to check your junk folder.  

If the error message appears ‘An account with the given email already exists’, you already have an account and need to sign in. If you are experiencing issues trying to sign in, you can reset your password.  

If you are still experiencing issues, submit a support request

Update your account details  

You can change your name, school, avatar, and year in your account profile. To change your personal details: 

  1. Sign in to your account. 
  2. Select the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. 
  3. Select ‘Edit profile’. 
  4. Update your details. 
  5. Select ‘Done’. 

Your account details will be updated. 

To change the email address linked to your account:

  1. Create an account with your new email address and sign up.
  2. Complete the sign up and verify your new email address.
  3. Submit a support request
    1. Select ‘I want to change email address linked to my account’
    2. Enter your contact details
    3. Enter your original and new account details
    4. Select ‘Submit’.
  4. Once your support request has been received, you will need to sign into your new account and accept the request.

It may take up to 5 business days to complete your support request.

Register for the 2024 challenge

If you had an account in 2022 or 2023, you will need to sign in and register for the 2024 challenge. To register:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select ‘Register now’ for the new challenge.
  3. Search and select your school.
  4. Select your year level.
  5. Select ‘Register’.

Once you have completed these steps, you are registered in the 2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge and can log books.

Log and manage your books

You can add and edit books throughout the challenge in your account.
To log a book from the booklist:

  1. Select ‘Log a book’ in your account.
  2. Search the booklist.
  3. Find the book you have read.
  4. Select the circle icon with a plus sign on the far right.
  5. Add a comment about the book.

To add a book not on the booklist:

  1. Select ‘Log a book’ in your account.
  2. Select ‘add your own’ above the search booklist.
  3. Log the book you have read and add details of the book, including the:
    • title
    • type
    • date read
    • you can also add the author, a description, a comment and a like, if you wish.
  4. Select ‘Submit’.

To edit a book, you have logged:

  1. Select ‘Bookshelf’ in your account.
  2. Search the books you have logged.
  3. Find the book you have logged.
  4. Select the 3 dots on the right.
  5. Edit the log details.
  6. Select ‘Submit’.

Merge your accounts

You can merge 2 accounts with different email addresses. To merge your accounts:

  1. Submit a support request.
    1. Select ‘I want to merge 2 accounts'
    2. Enter your contact details
    3. Enter your original and new account details
    4. Select ‘Submit’.
  2. Once your support request has been received, you will need to sign into your account and accept the request before your accounts are merged.

It may take up to 5 business days to complete your request.

Other account issues

If you are experiencing other issues, submit a support request. Provide as much detail as possible, such as the error message you are experiencing and the troubleshooting you have tried.