School staff

School staff

School staff

Get in the reading orbit.

Our goal this year is to have at least one challenge champion in every school in Western Australia taking part and facilitating the challenge. A challenge champion is school staff from a WA public, Catholic and independent school.

If you are a returning champion, you just need to sign in.

Become a challenge champion

Register or nominate a school challenge champion now!

Become a champion to monitor your school's participation in the challenge.
A challenge champion account allows you to:

  • view all readers registered at your school
  • add books or edit reader details at your school
  • add readers who can't participate online.

If you would like to become a challenge champion:

  1. Submit a support request.
  2. Select ‘School staff’.
  3. Select 'Yes' to become a challenge champion.
  4. Enter your contact details, you will need to use your school or education email address to sign up.
  5. Select ‘Submit’.

Once your support request has been received, we will email you the unique URL to sign up as a challenge champion. It may take 2 to 3 business days before you receive the email with the unique URL.

After you register

Once the challenge is underway on 6 May, we will send you regular emails updating you on:

  • key dates for the challenge
  • weekly prizes up for grabs
  • special events
  • downloadable assets and ideas to get students involved
  • tips and tricks.

Promotional packs, with posters, stickers and other items will be sent to schools to help promote the challenge. We will also include some items that you can give away to your students who participate in the challenge.

Rally your students, parents and carers to join the challenge and get ready for lift off on 6 May.

Prizes for participation

Your students will go in the draw to win amazing weekly prizes. With more than 110 prizes drawn at random from those who log at least one book per week during the challenge. Find out more about the Premier's Reading Challenge prizes.

Schools that have the most students registered relative to their size before 31 May will go into a draw to win an assembly presentation of the Dewey Experience at your school!

Promote the challenge in your school

We’ve got social media tiles, and downloadable book logs, mini award certificates, and more to help you keep students motivated and show your local community you’re getting your students in on the reading fun.

If you could spread the love, we’d really appreciate it.

We're seeking even more challenge champions to join us this year. Our target is to have one champion in every school in WA.

Help encourage WA students to read books, and maybe discover a love of reading along the way!

Download campaign materials to promote the Premier's Reading Challenge.

Social media tiles
Special achievement award certificate
Manual reading log

Use the information for support with your Premier's Reading Challenge account.

Update your account details 

You can change your name in your account profile. To change your personal details: 

  1. Sign in to your account. 
  2. Select the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. 
  3. Select ‘Edit profile’. 
  4. Update your details. 
  5. Select ‘Done’. 

Your account details will be updated. 

Change the email address linked to your account

To change the email address linked to your account:

  1. Submit a support request.
  2. Select ‘I want to change email address linked to my account’.
  3. Enter your contact details.
  4. Enter your original and new account details.
  5. Select ‘Submit’.

Once your support request has been received, you will need to sign into your new account and accept the request. It may take up to 5 business days to complete your support request.

Register a reader in the 2024 challenge

If your reader had an account in 2022 or 2023, you still need to register them in the 2024 challenge. To register a reader:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select the circle icon with a plus sign next to the '2024 Premier's Reading Challenge'.
  3. Search for the reader and select the row with their name.
  4. Select ‘Register now’ for the new challenge.
  5. Confirm the reader's school and year level.
  6. Select ‘Register’.

Once you have completed these steps, the reader is registered for the 2024 challenge and you can manage their participation and log books. You won't be able to register a reader who had an account in 2022 or 2023 that was at a different school. You can register them as a new reader and submit a support request to link their records.

To add a new reader:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select 'Register a reader'.
  3. Search for the reader and select the row with their name.
  4. Enter their details.
  5. Select 'Done'.

Once you have completed these steps, the reader is automatically registered for the 2024 challenge and you can manage their participation and log books.

Log and manage your readers' books

You can add and edit books through the challenge for your students in your account.
To log a book from the booklist:

  1. Search for the reader and select the row with their name.
  2. Select ‘Log a book’ in your account.
  3. Search the booklist.
  4. Find the book they have read.
  5. Select the circle icon with a plus sign on the far right.
  6. Add a comment about the book.

To add a book that is not on the booklist:

  1. Search for the reader and select the row with their name.
  2. Select ‘Log a book’ in your account.
  3. Select ‘add your own’ above the search booklist.
  4. Log the book you have read and add details of the book, including the:
    • title
    • type
    • date read
    • you can also add the author, a description, a comment and a like, if you wish.
  5. Select ‘Submit’.

If you have made an error logging a book, you can edit the student's bookshelf:

  1. Select ‘Bookshelf’ in your account.
  2. Search the books you have logged.
  3. Find the book you have logged.
  4. Select the 3 dots on the right.
  5. Edit the log details.
  6. Select ‘Submit’.

Other account issues

If you are experiencing other issues, submit a support request. Provide as much detail as possible, such as the error message you are experiencing and the troubleshooting you have tried.

Parents, guardians, teachers, education assistants, siblings, study buddies and classmates all play an important role in encouraging students to develop a love of reading. Here are some tips that can help with this:  

  • make time to read each day – make sure this time is fun and exciting 
  • suggest books, authors or themes your students may enjoy 
  • re-tell stories that you have enjoyed 
  • ask students to make book recommendations to others in class 
  • for students with language backgrounds other than English, encourage them to read books in their background language. 

We celebrate language and culture and embrace the power of storytelling. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have such a rich history to share and our Aboriginal Education Teaching and Learning team have provided information on artists, writers, poets and storytellers so you can help your students and school community connect and learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

If any of these book titles or authors are not on the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist, students can add any books they read to their challenge bookshelf.

Find books and authors

Welcome to Country (external link)

Visit this online bookshop to find a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors, illustrators, book titles and education resources. Welcome to Country is a not for profile organisation, and every purchase made directly benefits Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and communities.

In my own words (external link)

In my own words is an uplifting film that shows a group of Aboriginal adults from a small town in New South Wales pick up pen and paper for the first time and begin to learn to read and write. It is suitable for students from Years 10 to 12.

Share this wonderful journey with your students. Australian Teacher of Media have put together a study guide you can use to facilitate discussions with your class.

Australian First Nations young adult books (external link)

The ‘Readings’ bookstore has a number of Australian First Nationals young adult books available to purchase.

Children’s books daily (external link)

A great list of books by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors and illustrators, with recommendations for primary school students to young adults.

Creative spirits (external link)

Browse contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander poems and share these with your students.

Find Aboriginal literacy networks

First Nations Australian Writers Network (external website)

Browse for First Nations Australia writers, poets and storytellers.

Magabala Books (external website)

Magabala Books is committed to developing new and emerging Indigenous writers, illustrators and storytellers. You will find children’s picture books, junior fiction, young adult literature and a range of other titles and formats.

Indigenous Literacy Foundation (external website)

The foundation is a national charity working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remote communities. The foundation responds to requests from remote communities for culturally relevant books including early learning board books, resources and programs to help communities create and publish their stories in languages of their choice.

Find Aboriginal youth support programs

Corroboree for life / Boorloo Hustle (external website)

Think about holding a workshop for your students to engage them in poetry, writing hip hop songs or learning cultural dances.

Ash Penfold is a proud Nyoongar man, who started Corroboree for life to raise awareness around mental health and suicide within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Noongar Language Centre (external website)

Visit the Noongar Language Centre to find and learn all the information about Noongar language.

The centre records and transcribes the Noongar language and dialects and develops language resources for all Noongar clan groups to support, maintain and develop Noongar culture.

Wyemando – Western Australian Language Organisations (external website)

You can find a range of teaching resources from groups and organisations who are undertaking language and cultural work.

Kaartdijin Noongar – Noongar Knowledge (external website)

You can find education resources that links the Kaartdijin Noongar website and the Australian Curriculum for students from Pre-primary to Year 10.

Fremantle Press

Find information on authors, book titles and other news and information about Aboriginal culture.

We have lots of tips for promoting the challenge, encouraging students to participate and engaging with your school community. 

Promote the challenge

Ways you could promote the challenge: 

  • Send a letter to parents and carers about the challenge and encourage them to register their child. 
  • Display the posters around your school.
  • Work with your library to have posters and a display of books. 
  • Create displays of favourite books, authors, series, genres in the library and classrooms. 
  • Share stories of student reading success in your assembly and school newsletter. 
  • Include a link to our website and our online booklist on your school website or in your school newsletter. 
  • Invite an author, athlete, staff member, politician, parent or carer to virtually share their favourite book with students.
  • Organise a student book swap party, children can bring a book and select a book from the swap table. 
  • Post about the challenge on your Facebook and Instagram.

Encourage students to participate 

Some ideas to help you keep up momentum and enthusiasm: 

  • Encourage students to review books and ask them to recommend books to other like-minded readers. You can showcase these by displaying these recommendations in your classroom or at the library. You might also share these on your school website or social media channels. 
  • Share student book reviews and celebrate your school's progress in the challenge via your school’s newsletter or social media.  
  • Display a dynamic or creative book stand in the library. 
  • Celebrate students' reading achievements by displaying a special board. 
  • Create a chart for students to place a small star next to their name when they have read a book and a larger star when they have read 12 or more books. 
  • Build a ‘community of readers’ and promote this as a book club for the school. 
  • Encourage students in the class to talk about a book they have read and what they enjoyed about the book and the author. 
  • Invite local authors or illustrators to visit the school and talk about their favourite books. 
  • Introduce fun activities and quizzes about books in the challenge. 
  • Organise a dress-up day with students to dress as their favourite book character. 
  • Display a school list of recommended reads. 
  • Promote significant dates and events, such as Book Week, Literacy and Numeracy Week and Science Week. 

We encourage you to recognise students or classes for their efforts. You might like to celebrate: 

  • the first student, class or year level to complete the challenge  
  • the best alternative cover for a book 
  • the best book review in each year level or class 
  • the best alternative blurb written in one, two or three sentences 
  • in-class author biographies, book reviews and presentations. 

Students who complete the challenge will receive a certificate of achievement. These will be sent to your school and you may like to celebrate this during your school assembly.  

Other ideas for celebrating might include: 

  • holding a free dress day for a year level or a class that are actively engaging in the challenge 
  • show a lunchtime movie relating to a book 
  • have a book-related treasure hunt 
  • put on a sausage sizzle or a class party. 

Not all students are enthusiastic readers. This can be for any number of reasons and may include children:

  • from a low literacy background
  • from non-English speaking backgrounds
  • with processing or sensory issues
  • with a disability. 

We want to remove as many barriers to students reading as possible. You do a wonderful job of understanding your school community and we want to open access and inclusion to your students.  

Some tips that may help if you have reluctant readers: 

  • You can encourage teachers to introduce some of the Premier’s Reading Challenge books into class lessons and units of work to help build students' confidence. 
  • If you teach students in middle school, introduce different books from the challenge booklist as part of your planned units of work. Check which books in the school library are on the challenge booklist. 
  • Encourage students to explore aspects of visual literacy in picture books in pairs. Both students can include the book on their log. 
  • Pair tentative readers with one another for shared reading of challenge books.
  • Make a list for reluctant readers such as ‘Hot reads for cool readers’. 
  • Choose accessible picture books or less demanding books, such as manga, graphic novels, humour, sport, factual texts and biographies.  
  • Allow the reading of shorter texts to build up the number and variety of texts. 
  • Use audiobooks for titles at a higher reading level that remains within the student’s comprehension ability.
  • Use digital texts to allow access to accessibility features such as a dictionary function or a ‘read to me’ function. 

The State Library of Western Australia has a wide and growing range of electronic resources available for use by members and visitors.

These include eBooks, online journals, audio books, eMagazines, current and historical newspapers and content services such as Ancestry and Kanopy. Resources for children and families include games, comics and movies.

Many of these are available from home and are free. To join, visit the State Library of WA.

You can also access electronic resources with your local Public Library membership.